Saturday, March 19, 2005

Wow, Another Blog Convert!

I thought it appropriate to mark the conversion of another 50-year-old to the blogosphere -- my twin sister, Mary. She visited over the weekend and was amazed to learn that there was such a thing as blogs and easy Google money.

Of course, we don't accept Google AdSense money hereabouts (but then again maybe we could start).

At any rate, we have another convert now, and she's headed home to State College, PA, to create a blog on golf and fitness. She's a semi-retired golf professional, who actually could fully retire and teach via the blogosphere. Good luck.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

In Case You Need Some Inspiration

This college-provided photo may be all the convincing you need to make your plans right now to attend in May.

Some Early (Tentative) Commitments

I have heard via e-mail that a couple of great conversation starters have tentative plans to attend the reunion.

First of all, Ron Bailey, our great voice of inspiration from Africa, will return. That is great news, since Ron was such an important part of our Sunday morning "tent revival" five years ago.

In addition, and equally exciting, PK Kolisch, Oregon cheesemaker and one of the great alternative-career stories in our class, also plans to attend -- possibly with his "shitkickers and a baby goat" -- according to his recent e-mail.

It's shaping up as another wonderful opportunity to share great stories, connect with old friends and make some new ones.